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Retreat on the Manifesto 2021-26 Commitments, Achievements and Implementation Status for the Central Region at National Leadership Institute, Kyankwanzi- 21-25 August, 2023.

Retreat on the Manifesto 2021-26 Commitments, Achievements and Implementation Status for the Central Region at National Leadership Institute, Kyankwanzi- 21-25 August, 2023.


The Office of the President is mandated to track, report and publicize the performance, progress and challenges of implementation of the Manifesto Commitments and the Strategic guidelines and directives in the different Ministries Departments and Agencies &Local Government:

FY 2022/23 marked the beginning of the critical implementation of manifesto 2021-2026. As a result of this, the Office is planning to organize above activity to facilitate coordination, planning and reporting on the manifesto commitments and the 23 Strategic Guidelines and Directives and evaluate the performance of different Local Governments in Central Region of Uganda on the implementation of Manifesto commitments as alignment with their set out work plans and budgets. This engagement is in line with the approved Q4 work plan for FY 2022/23 and is proposed to take place from 20th to 25th August, 2023 as a six day activity to be held at National Leadership Institute Kyankwanzi.

Objectives of the Manifesto Inception Meeting:

The specific objectives are to:

  1. Take stock and account the Manifesto commitments and achievements to the citizens and leaders in the Central Region
  2. Explain and Share the synergies required in the implementation process of the Manifesto commitments
  3. Share a strategy on how to popularize the achievements so far realized in Central Uganda.

Expected Outcomes:

At the end, we are expected to:

  1. Give accountability and validation on the extent of performance of the Manifesto Commitments and the Presidential Strategic Directives and Guidelines in the Central Region of Uganda.
  2. Agree on proper coordination in planning, reporting, and communication of achievements
  3. Share and document the implementation of the Manifesto commitments in the Central Region of Uganda.

Expected Participants:

  1. All Local Government and party leadership from Central Region  of Uganda
  2. Presidential Advisors(10)
  3. NALI Team
  4. The Media
  5. OP – MIU
  6. OP – Senior Management

Expected Presentations

Presentations will include: -

  1. All Accounting Officers of MDAs
  2. NPA
  3. OWC
  4. NRM Secretariat
  5. NALI Team

Methodology for Delivery


Different presentations by key stakeholders in the Manifesto Implementation process will be made with emphasis on prioritizing different commitments, achievements and alignment to the existing planning, governance structures for attainment of the desired target vision. The presentations are broad in perspective but touching the necessary steps Government must take to achieve the stated commitments.   


Willis Bashaasha