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Sebastian Oswin Oguti
Sebastian Oswin Oguti

Personal Information

Mobile Number
+256 772 829 5

Office Information


OGUTI Sebastian Oswin, Deputy Dean of RDCs as well as DRDC Lamwo.

I have been the Coordinator, Office of the National Chairman NRM- Kyambogo in Acholi Sub region from 2018 to date.

In my foray in national politics, in 2011, I contested in the NRM Youth MP primary elections for Northern Uganda in 2016. I am a humble discipline young NRM cadre, political awaken and focus in ensuring NRM builds a strong loyal youth based in Northern Uganda and the Nation as a all.

National Leadership Institute- Kyankwanzi (NALI)-2002 Cadre 35: Training on military geopolitics of Uganda, Political leadership, ranges shooting, military parade exercises, self-awareness, physical fitness and the county's strategic strengths in the region- One Month.

In the local programming in 2006, I headed the youth campaign team for Candidate President K.Y Museveni- foot soldiers Campaign Team in Kitgum and Lamwo districts.

I have worked with the Non-governmental Organisations and taught at Gulu University as a Lecturer from 2013 and formed NRM Gulu University Chapter, its operational to date.

I have a reputation for being passionate about youth and political open­mindedness while being tactful to achieve shared interests. I love to associate myself with the cause of the masses and I take that as my natural constituency.

Am highly driven to achieve superior results in everything I do in political and development fields. Key Competences: Very strong mobilization skills, oral and written communication skills; research, great judgment and good networking skills

I hold a Master of International Relations, Jilin University-China, 2013, BA

Education-Makerere University Kampala 2007

International Conference Attended with Presentations

  1. Sebastian Oswin Oguti, Uganda's Refugee policy: It's implications on International Relations. African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (ASAAP), Australia 21st -23rd November, 2018.
  2. Sebastian Oswin Oguti, Envisioning a post-insurgency future for the civilian joint task force in Nigeria: Drawing lessons from South Sudan, Sierra Leone & Uganda. Charting a Future for the Arrow-Boys of Uganda: Successes and Failures, 26th-27th September 2018, University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
  3. Sebastian Oswin Oguti, The New Security Challenges in East Africa: “Effects on Cooperation in Foreign/Security Policies” JEAN MONNET INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, June 23rd - 25th 2018
  4. Sebastian Oswin Oguti, Ethnicity, Nation Building and Conflicts in Uganda, IPSS, Gulu University International Conference, August 12-15th 2017
  5. Sebastian O. Oguti, “The Politics of Displacement and Desire: Refugees and Locals in Gulu Town, Uganda” University of Rwanda, November 14th to 16th 2017.
  6. Sebastian O. Oguti, “Political Stability: African Union’s Strategy for Contemporary Security Governance in Africa” University of Nairobi, February 20th -22, 2017

I come from Kitgum District.

Mobile number: +256 772 829 559



OGUTI Sebastian Oswin, Deputy Dean of RDCs as well as DRDC Lamwo.

I have been the Coordinator, Office of the National Chairman NRM- Kyambogo in Acholi Sub region from 2018 to date.

In my foray in national politics, in 2011, I contested in the NRM Youth MP primary elections for Northern Uganda in 2016. I am a humble discipline young NRM cadre, political awaken and focus in ensuring NRM builds a strong loyal youth based in Northern Uganda and the Nation as a all.

National Leadership Institute- Kyankwanzi (NALI)-2002 Cadre 35: Training on military geopolitics of Uganda, Political leadership, ranges shooting, military parade exercises, self-awareness, physical fitness and the county's strategic strengths in the region- One Month.

In the local programming in 2006, I headed the youth campaign team for Candidate President K.Y Museveni- foot soldiers Campaign Team in Kitgum and Lamwo districts.

I have worked with the Non-governmental Organisations and taught at Gulu University as a Lecturer from 2013 and formed NRM Gulu University Chapter, its operational to date.

I have a reputation for being passionate about youth and political open­mindedness while being tactful to achieve shared interests. I love to associate myself with the cause of the masses and I take that as my natural constituency.

Am highly driven to achieve superior results in everything I do in political and development fields. Key Competences: Very strong mobilization skills, oral and written communication skills; research, great judgment and good networking skills

I hold a Master of International Relations, Jilin University-China, 2013, BA

Education-Makerere University Kampala 2007

International Conference Attended with Presentations

  1. Sebastian Oswin Oguti, Uganda's Refugee policy: It's implications on International Relations. African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (ASAAP), Australia 21st -23rd November, 2018.
  2. Sebastian Oswin Oguti, Envisioning a post-insurgency future for the civilian joint task force in Nigeria: Drawing lessons from South Sudan, Sierra Leone & Uganda. Charting a Future for the Arrow-Boys of Uganda: Successes and Failures, 26th-27th September 2018, University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
  3. Sebastian Oswin Oguti, The New Security Challenges in East Africa: “Effects on Cooperation in Foreign/Security Policies” JEAN MONNET INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, June 23rd - 25th 2018
  4. Sebastian Oswin Oguti, Ethnicity, Nation Building and Conflicts in Uganda, IPSS, Gulu University International Conference, August 12-15th 2017
  5. Sebastian O. Oguti, “The Politics of Displacement and Desire: Refugees and Locals in Gulu Town, Uganda” University of Rwanda, November 14th to 16th 2017.
  6. Sebastian O. Oguti, “Political Stability: African Union’s Strategy for Contemporary Security Governance in Africa” University of Nairobi, February 20th -22, 2017

I come from Kitgum District.

Mobile number: +256 772 829 559
