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Manifesto Accountability week 2024 held at the conference hall, office of the President from 15th November to 5th December, 2024

Manifesto Accountability week 2024 held at the conference hall, office of the President from 15th November to 5th December, 2024


The Office of the President, through the Manifesto Implementation Unit is mandated to track and monitor progress of the implementation of the commitments in the NRM Manifesto 2021-2026 in all Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments.

In reference to the above therefore, the Manifesto Implementation Unit is preparing to host the Manifesto Accountability week starting on 15th November, 2024. This annual event provides an opportunity to celebrate, take stock of the cumulative milestones and achievements of Government on the implementation of this social contract.

The Manifesto Accountability week therefore is organized to appreciate these Manifesto milestones attained, share challenges and strategies for better implementation for the remaining period of the political term.     

In light of the above the purpose of the Manifesto week is to:

  1. Take stock and account for the Manifesto commitments and achievements to the citizens.
  2. Identify implementation challenges of the manifesto commitments to determine the way forward.
  3. Popularize by disseminating the achievements so far realized.

Expected Outcomes:

At the end, we are expected to:

  1. Give accountability and validation on the extent of performance of the Manifesto Commitments, challenges faced and way forward.
  2. Popularize the implementation of the Manifesto commitments so far realized.

Expected Participants:

Participants in this forum will include:

  1. Ministers from the various MDAs
  2. NRM Party leadership
  3. Presidential Advisors
  4. Parliamentary Presidential Affairs Committee Members
  5. Operation Wealth Creation
  6. Office of the President Team
  7. Civil society Organizations
  8. The Media



  1. Preparatory Engagements

The Manifesto Implementation Unit is to constitute a committee chaired by the Director, Manifesto Implementation Unit which will steer all the preparatory activities for the forthcoming activity and all the relevant stakeholders. The MIU team will work closely with the Ministry of ICT&NG to engage the media to support the activity.

  1. The Press Conference:

This is intended to launch this activity. It will take place on Friday 15th November, 2024 at the Office of the President Conference Centre. The activity will officially be launched by the following;

  1. Rt. Hon. Prime Minister: Who will give a general over view on the implementation status of the Government Programmes and Projects and will be accompanied by the Rt. Hon. Secretary General NRM and the Minister for the Presidency.



All Ministries will be required to make live presentations on the progress made in the Implementation of the Manifesto Commitments with in their respective MDAs.

Hon. Ministers will lead their technical teams in making these presentations on the status of manifesto implementation within the past three years. This will be followed by the question and answer session from the participants. The Cabinet Presentations will begin on 19th November, 2024. A time table will be issued to all Cabinet Ministers to guide this process.


  1. Publicity

These will be Media both at the Centre and Local Government levels clearly explaining the progress and achievements of the NRM Government for the last three years in relation with our Manifesto journey. This will help the local communities appreciate the unrivaled and enormous contribution of the NRM Government in lifting and improving the livelihoods of Ugandans. RDCs and other Local Government officials will appear on their local TVs and Radio stations to explain Government programmes and the achievements of the NRM Manifesto implementation in their localities for the last three years.

  1.    Electronic Media
  1. Availing information on various media and electronic and live websites for easy accessibility by the masses using online approach.
  2. Use of social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to publicize the achievements in the last three years and explain the way forward in the next three years.


  1. Print Media
  1. Publish the NRM Manifesto achievements for the last three (3) years in various Print Media such as Newspapers, brochures and Magazines that will be highlighting the achievements and progress in regard to the implementation of the NRM Manifesto in the last three years and the expectations on going forward.
  2. Partnering with the authorized publishers to produce our souvenir Magazine.


Willis Bashaasha